My sister Brooke was a spunky, tell you how it is, loveable person. She loved animals and the outdoors. But she was a true girly girl, who loved pink and camouflage. She would do anything to help anyone. She had the sweetest deep long country sounding voice you can only find in Kentucky. Not a day goes by I don’t wonder about her.
- Disappeared June 22, 2013
- Last seen on Dillon Ct. in Berea, KY
- 18 years old, white female, approximately 5’1, blonde hair, brown eyes
- Was last seen wearing a gray FFA shirt and light blue jean shorts
I’m praying that she be found. It angers me that someone knows something and just will not tell.. praying for all . Gonna go buy my stickers for my vehicles.
This is so sad…like myself ppl all over madison co..cant help but wonder what happened to Brooke. .and cant help but pray someone who knows something will find it in their heart to tell where and what happened. .i pray God weighs so heavy on the heart of the person or ppl that know something they will come forth..Brookes family deserves to know..needs to know..ppl dont just drop off the face of the earth..brooke is somewhere and needs to be found..God please bring this family peace and bring brooke home..let the truth come to surface. .may the hidden truth find its way out…give this family the answers to their prayers..amen
prayers for you and your family.
I often wonder what happened to this beautiful young lady as we lived in Berea at the time she disappeared. I also found out she is the lil sister of one of my sisters in law Candi. It breaks my heart she hasnt been found. I hope one day the people responsible for her disappearance are brought to justice so the family has some closure. We had friends who had friends who thought they might have known something and it was reported to Berea P.D. as far as I know. Please Know Brooke is always thought about and hoping one day she is found.
I don’t know Brooke nor the family but just want to let you know I am praying for closure for you all on this disappearance, no one just simply dissapears, they are either taken, go willingly or the unthinkable.
Being an optimist I really hope she is found safe.
I had teenage daughters and when one ran away, know what you initially went through but now after so long, I really hope you get some positive leads, Lex 18 is a wonderful tool, use them fully, I did.
Fingers crossed for you all.
I think about Brooklyn every time I drive down Big Hill and past that house she was last seen at. I hope you find answers soon. I can’t imagine what it’s like not knowing where she is or how anyone could withhold that little piece of information that could bring her home. My prayers and thoughts are with you.
Hubetta Lear
I pray that yall can find your loved one!!! this has really stuck with me I don’t know this young lady or any of the family or anything like that but I am a mother and I just cannot imagine the pain this family has to face every minute of every day!!! it’s horrible any time you would lose a child it would have to be but then to not know anything if she is for sure dead or where or how and who did what or anything my heart just hurts for this family!!! I do pray somehow soon something comes to light that this family can get their loved one back and know what happened to her!!! God bless you all
hey i miss you brooke and i hope things are going well so i hope that they will find you sometime soon hope things are going the way they should be i do not know if they will ever find you so hugs and kissies for ya brookelynn
This absolutely breaks my heart. I don’t know Brookelyn personally but I’ve followed facebook and the news about her story. Someone has to know something here. This girl had her entire life ahead of her! Her parents have to be devastated at this point. I pray for the entire family everyday. I think about her almost everyday, and just wonder where she could possibly be and if she’s okay. It’s been tugging at my heart recently. Sending lots of love and prayers to this family for her safe return
return and some well deserved answers.
Dylan mayes
Brooke we miss you hope you get on this website and see how much ppl love u so please come home
Love you nephew Dylan mayes
My heart breaks more and more everytime i look to see if there is any news, yet still no one has said a word. I don’t understand how any decent human being can just sit back and not say anything. I’ve caught myself crying when i see there has been no updates, someone has to know something. But, I am praying that God will at the very least give this family closure soon. I couldn’t imagine the pain. Im so very sorry you all are enduring such a tragic obstacle. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I will keep posting the missing flyers on every social media i have until they have either brought brooke home or layed her to rest, and I really do pray she is still alive somewhere.
Praying for a miracle, Lord please reunite her with her family.
I do not know Brooke or her family but I am a mother of 2 little girls. I can’t fathom the heartbreak that they have and had to endure. I pray that it weighs on the person responsible or the people that know something to come forward and give this family some relief from this nightmare. I am praying for all of you and I will continue to do so.
Kimberly Jo Centers
I was Brooklyn’s preschool teacher. I pray for someone to come forward with news for her return or closure for you . I love her and your family. I think about her all the time.
A Concerned Community Member
Every time someone mentions Brooke Farthing, I find myself rereading all of the information that’s available online. By the time I’ve read everything I can find, I come back to the same insatiable reality. I do not know her or her family, but I would like to help in any way possible. This has been affecting our community since the news first broke. I can only imagine the pain her friends and family are forced to endure. Until the truth is brought to light, I’ll continue to keep this story heard, in hopes that a resolution is near. If any further help is needed, please know that along with many others, I am eager to help.
America Rodriguez
My heart aches for you and your family, I sit here and can’t imagine if it was my daughter. Even from Florida I cry and hurt with you all. My prayers are with you all. I will keep praying for God to answer to touch the heart of the person responsible of the disappearance of Beautiful Brooke. I wish I was there to hug and provide words of wisdom but my prayers are with you all. My mother went through this for 8 months, I can’t imagine the years you all have gone through this, always remember that our Lord will provide in his perfect timing. I pray that she is alive and knowing that her family will not give up until the day she is found. Psalms 91 is a chapter I always read in times of needing comfort, peace and faith. God Bless
Martha Elliott
I am in Illinois and the facebook image was shared by a friend that use to live in Berna. My heart breaks reading this. I have not heard of this case. As a women who never had children but who had pregnancies that ended in misscarrages, I can imagine some of the pain you are experiencing. Those what if’s moments, and the missing of a child that never got to see and do things that should be normal routine things like birthdays, weddings and other missed important events. But I can’t imagine the pain in knowing her as a live person. I’m sure you miss her laugh, her voice and just her. I pray that someone with just a small detail will come forward and be able to put an end to you and your families pain.It is often time a small detail that may not seem important that gets these cases solved. I am very impressed by this website. how well it is written and how it is apparent that she was well loved and how missed she is. Hopefully with this and the other links, websites and with God’s help you will find out what happened. I will pray that you find that out and I will pray for peace of mind for you, your family, her friends and your community. I have several nieces her age and I can’t imagine if something happened to any of them. She is beautiful and deserves to find justice. I wish there was some other way I could help you find her or her killer. I will try to do my best by praying and sharing this with my friends and loved ones.
I’m in the UK and came across Brooke on Websleuths. I’ve read about Brooke disappearing and just had to get in touch. It’s clear that Brooke is very missed and and very loved. The photos show a beautiful young women with a lovely smile. I don’t know what happened to Brooke, but wanted to say that I am thinking of you all and Brooke and I promise I will never forget her.
I hope and pray that 2018 will bring the answers you desperately need. Most of all I hope that Brooke will come home.
Hello! I was just reading up on Brooke. My husband I lived in Berea, KY for many years but we moved a couple of years ago. My daughter Callie went to school with her. I remember the day me and Callie heard this and we both felt awful. I have always thought about her and you all! I pray for you often to this day. Many Blessings to you all.
Darla Markle
To Brooke’s family,
I live in WA state & came across her story on Facebook today. My heart breaks for Brooke & her family & friends. I pray that soon truth will come out & Brooke will be returned to you. As a mother, i cannot fathom the heartache for years that y’all have endured. Brooke deserves justice and I hope the scum that was involved that night is exposed. Someone knows. Someone has kept a secret for way too long.
From my family to yours, we will say a prayer for Brooke. Sending positive vibes. Love, Darla & David.